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If you’ve already had one nose job procedure and weren’t happy with the results, you may have sought out a revision rhinoplasty to correct what you didn’t like.

This begs the question, “How many revisions are too many?” The answer is a little more involved than you might think.

What Are Your Reasons for Wanting Revision Rhinoplasty?

First, consider what your reasons are for wanting another revision rhinoplasty. Is it for purely aesthetic reasons, or is there also a medical component, such as having trouble breathing? If you’ve been unhappy with several rhinoplasties already, you may need to reduce your expectations on what can be done with further surgery.

It’s important to understand the limitations of facial plastic surgery. While a nose job can absolutely help you love the way you look, it’s not supposed to change your appearance entirely.

Do You Have Significant Scar Tissue?

Physical factors such as the amount of scar tissue you have from previous surgeries and the specific characteristic of your skin can also play a role in determining if you could be a good candidate for another rhinoplasty revision.

Work with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience with advanced revision rhinoplasty techniques.

What’s Your End Goal?

Having a clear goal in mind is key to getting the smooth, beautiful rhinoplasty results you’re looking for. Make sure you have a clear, realistic idea of what you’d like your final outcome to be, and make sure you’re able to communicate this to your plastic surgeon during your nose job consultation.

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